Astonishing early reluctance to call Covid civil emergency - inquiry

4 months ago 18


  1. The UK Covid-19 inquiry is in Cardiff to scrutinise the Welsh government's handling of the pandemic
  2. The inquiry covers decision-making during the pandemic by the UK government and the devolved governments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  3. The inquiry heard evidence from First Minister Mark Drakeford on Tuesday that Covid was "not a top priority" for the Welsh government' early in 2020
  4. Public Health Wales bosses, trade unions and Wales' local government association are giving evidence on Wednesday
  5. A total of 10,262 people in Wales have died due to Covid - with a further 2,289 deaths listing Covid as a contributing factor
  6. We’ll bring you text coverage here, and you’ll also be able to watch by pressing play at the top of the page
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